
We're using real testimony from real people. It's not always flattering, but we don't care. We're just putting ourselves out there. We know our product works.
This stuff wasn't scripted. However it may have been edited for grammatical reasons! (Thanks to my seventh grade English teacher, Mrs. Cummings of Memorial Junior High.) And if they were willing, we'll use their own videos that they've taken themselves. So it might not be the greatest production quality, but it's authentic.

Oh yeah, in cases where they don't want to be on camera, we got their permission to film them using an actor. That's why you'll see the same person playing multiple users. That's acting! But we're being up front about it, and she's doing a great job of putting their real personality into their real words. So we're not making up the words, but the actor is making up the character. And maybe having some fun in the process. Enjoy!

By the way, the excerpts below are actual diary entries made by our users. I've selected one from each that represents what they were going through. Click on them to read their full transcript. Or if there's a video icon you can see them (or our actor) give the full text.

Customer Testimonials

  • Haley

    "bikini line, went swimming right after no burning." (Haley)

  • Lisa

    "This is my third month of shaving and it was the lemon.  Kind of lovely and my second favorite.  It leaves me moisturized and replenished and my skin is happy.  So I’m happy!" (Lisa)

  • Kat

    "I did my full legs, armpits, and bikini line.  This will be the last use for my first bar.  Starting the green bar next shave.  Very happy to have had it last six weeks or more!  Shaving irritation under arms...

  • Marilyn

    "After several weeks of use, my skin definitely feels more clean and softer. The lather is just as consistent as the previous bars, as are the other positive attributes."(And one week later...)"Once again, I’m noticing how long lasting the bars...

  • Denise

    "My friend tried the Zia hypoallergenic soap for shaving and is giving up on her regular shaving soap, too."